JB Outer City Price 2025 H1

Price: Absolute vs psf
- Median Price psf: RM483
- Median absolute price: RM443,000
Annual Price Change: 2020 vs 2025H1
(Unavailable for 3 years due to Covid data collection disruption)
- JB Outer City prices are 10 percent higher than base year of 2013.
- Compared to the pre-Covid period, prices have risen by 15 percent.
- Absolute median price remained stable around mid RM400,000 levels.
- JB Outer City, covering Austin, Tampoi and Setia Tropika area has resilient prices supported by local mass market demand f9or affordable housing.
- Austin leads with prices averaging RM520psf while Tampoi iremains the most affordable hovering below RM400psf region
- Limited high rises were launched post-Covid with Aliva, M Minori and Pandan Heights among the few, reinforcing landed properties as the prefered choice
Highest and Lowest Price
- Highest Price
- Aliva
- Molek Regency
- The Platino
- Lowest Price
- Centra Residences
- KSL Daya Residences
- Jentayu
JB Inner City Property Review
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